Storage Fees
Seasonal Rate Schedule For Gear up and Gear down at beginning and end of season
Storage in numbered spaces (+/- 50’ x15’ or +/- 750 sq ft)
No charge during gearing up and down periods which are determined annually by the Board of Harbor
Commissioners - normally a 30 day period before official opening and after official close
Storage in numbered spaces (+/- 50’ x15’ or +/- 750 sq ft)
20 Cents per sq. ft. per month - which equals $150 per month
Long term gear storage in North Yard
Per item or pair of items not to exceed 325 sq. ft.
$30 per month
Vessel Dry Storage
$2.75 per foot per month 34’ and under, $50 monthly minimum
$3.00 per foot per month 35’ and greater
Trailer inside of storage area
$35.00 per month
Mini Storage: Monthly / Annual – paid in advance. Deposit is half of monthly rent.
10’ x 10’
10’ x 15’
10’ x 20
10’ x 25’
12’ x 20’
12’ x 25’
12’ x 30’
14’ x 20’ high roof
20’ x 30’